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The Evil Room

Audra Lindsey, Washington, USA
August 2000

Sorry if this story is kinda was told to me by my mom. Here we go.

When my mom was 10 her mother passed away. About a month after she died, my mom was in her mothers room looking for something. Her mother had a pair of those old, heavy drapes that wind CAN'T move. She looked at the curtains and they were open and up with handprints. About 2 seconds later the curtains dropped and she felt a blast of cold air. Naturally she freaked out and left.

Later on, a few months later my aunt was cleaning the house.She went to her mothers door and heard a roar. She went outside until my mom came home. She told my mom what happened. My mom went inside to her mothers room, as she touched the knob she heard a roar that shook the hinges. My mom said from then on she knew something evil was in that room.

Later on after they moved out a couple moved in. After living in that house a few months, the man killed his wife chopped her up and buried her in the mountains. Coincidence? Maybe, but you never know.

Audra Lindsey, Washington, USA
00:00 / 01:04
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