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A Mother's Last Hug

Nilda, TX, USA
June 2006

My experience happened in 1993 shortly after my mother passed away from complications due to diabetes.
She had surgery to remove her right leg as it had become infected from a previous surgery to unclog one of her veins. My mother went into a coma right after her surgery so therefore she was placed in I.C.U. My father, brothers and sisters ( there are 9 of us) would stay in the waiting room all day and night.
One night my family convinced me to go home and get some rest because when my mom came out of her coma and was transferred to a regular room I, being the youngest and with no children of my own,would be the one to stay with her.
I finally agreed and went to go say bye to my mother and give her a hug.
I laid my head on her chest and told her I loved her and would return the next morning. My mom actually woke up from her coma and tried to give me a hug (I should say that her arms were tied down because the doctors were afraid she would wake up and try to pull her tubes out) but she couldn't. I guess the nurses saw their monitors because they came rushing in and told me to leave, I wasn't able to get my mom's hug. So, I went home but when I got home there was a message from my sister for me to go back, my mom was having trouble breathing and her blood pressure was way below normal. Needless to say my mom passed away that night and I didn't get my hug.

About 2 or 3 months later I was laying down in my bed on my side and I was missing my mom VERY MUCH and started to remember how she tried to hug me and couldn't, I was crying so hard that I could hardly breath, when all of the sudden I felt this warmth all the way down my back, like when you're laying down with someone spoon style, and then I started to smell fresh tortillas (my mom was always making them and to this day I associate the smell with her) I guess I should say that this was around 3 or 4 in the morning and nobody would be making tortillas at that time of night. And then ever so gently I felt her arms wrap around me and give me the hug that she was not able to give me at the hospital. As soon as I felt my mother's arms ( I know they were hers) I stopped crying and I felt a peace come over me.
Thank you, mommy,for giving me one last hug!

Nilda, TX, USA
00:00 / 01:04
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