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Attic Ghost Child

April, MI, USA
August 2001

When I was 16 years old my mother kicked me out of her home. One of my friends had just moved into a very large very old house. It was just her and her dad and the house had 6 bed rooms. They offered me a room and I had my choice of 4. I chose a nice little corner room and soon moved all my things in.

In one corner of this room was the staircase to the attic. Every night I was in that room I heard noises from the attic. The sounds included howling wind, balls bouncing, steps, scrapings and others. I convinced myself that the sounds were some animal. Perhaps a squirrel or raccoon?. I didn't want to be attacked in my sleep so I moved to another room.

A few nights after my bedroom change I came home very late, around 3 a.m. My friend and her father were both gone, and the house was completely dark. The people that had given me a ride sped off as soon as I was out of the car. As I was walking up the path to the house I felt an urge to look up. What I saw I will never forget. In the center attic window was a little girl, probably 6 or 7. Though the house was completely dark she was illuminated, the light came from her. She just stood in the window looking straight down at me. She was all white, from her flowing dress to her long hair. I was frozen, terrified. I stood there in a stare with her for what seemed like forever. But it was December and the middle of the night. I had to go into the house. I didn't sleep at all that night.

When I told my friend and her father what I saw they laughed it off. However my friends father was talking to one of the neighbors not too long after who said "Have you met your attic occupant yet?" And the neighbor told him that the girl has been appearing in the attic windows since she died in 1935 in a fire in the attic. I moved soon after.

April, MI, USA
00:00 / 01:04
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