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Calm of the Night

Andrea, MN, USA
February 2003

This is not a long story, but it is a true ghost story.

I was home alone one night and lying in bed. My house was dark, except for the moonlight. As I was lying in bed I had started feeling scared. Scared of the dark. Then, all the sudden I felt calm, unafraid, and relaxed. It was quite weird feeling, really frightening and then all of a sudden fine.

As this happened, I couldn't help but look out my window. Walking past my tree was a man! A ghostly type look about him, he was wearing a 40's looking pin striped suit and a brim hat. He also was just in black and white...No color to him at all...not even his skin. He only appeared there for not even 3 seconds and he was gone.

Oddly enough, I wasn't scared. Not a bit. I felt protected and very calm. I never researched the area, but I have rumors that my town is on an ancient Indian burial ground, but that doesn't explain the 40's looking man.

Who knows...but that's my ghost sighting!

Andrea, MN, USA
00:00 / 01:04
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