He Left Easily
ACT, Australia
August 1999
Part of my life has been involved with Spiritualism, or being in touch with the Divine. I have had some experience with hands on healing and I meditate regularly.
In 1997 I went to Papua New guinea and worked with the people of the Sandaun Province. On the night of 17 July 1998, an area of the North West Coast was disastrously hit by a Tsunami and many people were killed. This story is not about the Tsunami but an aftermath that affected me.
I rang Australia early on Saturday Morning to let my daughter know that I was alright. Of course at that early stage the news of the disaster had not reached Australia, but I assured my daughter that there had been a disaster and that she must ring all of the family. She was unable to reach my 81 year old father. On Sunday morning my father was found and he was conveyed to hospital with a stroke. I was informed that he was gravely ill and that he was not expected to live.
I came back to Australia and went to his bedside. He could not recognize anyone and appeared comatose. The doctor said he would not live past the weekend and asked permission to remove his life support. This was Friday and I said the rest of the family would not be here until Sunday and I told him that I did not have the authority to do so as it was a family matter. I laid hands on my Father and by Sunday he had improved to the extent that the doctor called and said that he could remain on life support as his improvement was good.
On Monday I was required to see a Psychologist for trauma counselling as a result of my experience with the tsunami. That night while meditating I felt my father was with me. He asked: "who was holding him back?". I said that I was. He asked why and I said because he needed some joy in his life. The vision disappeared.
I spoke to the Psychologist on Wednesday about the experience and he asked did I think that my Father wanted to pass?. I said yes and ceased providing healing on Thursday. The Doctor called us at 10 pm and said my Father had become gravely ill again. He died at 6am the next day. I have since had experiences that indicate that he is in fine shape wherever his soul has gone.