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Mom Made it to the Wedding

February 2004

This is not a scary story, but I'm hoping it will make some folks take a second look at their beliefs about death and life after death.

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer while I was still in high school - approx. 1981. She had battled the disease for 13 years before her death at the age of 57 in 1994. She was a wonderful, funny, very smart woman who is to this day sorely missed.

My husband and I had gotten engaged the Christmas of 1993. We had gone to my sister's house for Christmas Eve dinner and we could tell my mom was not doing well at all. After announcing our plans - she turned to my dad and said - "you give her everything she wants for this wedding". Looking back, I know now that she knew she would not see us get married. She died 2 weeks later in Jan of 1994.

After being married for about a year or so, we were expecting our first child. While pregnant at my sister's house for that year's Christmas eve, my brother tells me the following story:

After we were married in church, his partner Jeff came up to him and said "Did you see your mother in the church?". My brother's reply was - "Well, for one thing I was up at the altar with the wedding party and second, have you lost your mind?!!!"
His reply was: "I saw your mother during the ceremony - she was up there by the organ pipes - she was looking down with a great smile on her face and she may have been crying".

Well, my brother who had a very hard time dealing with her death, was a bit curious about this, but shrugged it off and went on to the reception with the rest of us.

At the reception, he ran into my mom's best friend and she said - "Did you see your mother at the church?" My brother, being a bit unnerved replied - "are you and Jeff messing with me?" and she said she hadn't even seen Jeff - did he in fact make it to the wedding??
She told him she saw my mom up by the organ pipes looking down at all of us at the altar - and she seemed to be so happy - smiling the whole time.

Needless to say- this really got my brother thinking and he said he had a hard time even telling me the story, but finally got up the nerve to tell me because he thought I should know - that my mom did indeed make it to our wedding and according to our friends was very happy to have made it!!

Our daughter was born the following March and to this day, my husband and I truly believe my mom is her guardian angel...and we couldn't be happier. We know she is still with us (and she has shown us in several ways)and will see our children grow up along with us.


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