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My Parent's Haunted House In Aliamanu

Anonymous, HI, USA
November 2011

These incidents occurred when I started high school 1976 and continued on for several years after. Some of these cases involved my nephews and niece.

I am a local girl born and raised here in Hawaii. The house my parents once owned was purchased by my dad in the 1950s, and they were the first owners. The history of this area (Aliamanu), I was told that it was a graveyard before they built a subdivision.

These are known factual events that took place. My nephew Jason, while he was growing up, use to report seeing a boy dressed in white underneath our house when Jason would be playing And my niece, when she graduated from high school, moved in and reported seeing a black figure come up out of the floor at the foot of her bed. He was tall and wearing a Hawaiian Warriors helmet! She ran out of the room and refused to sleep in there. She even brought a priest to have her room blessed! But to no avail, that entity came back! In fact, that particular room used to be mine!!

My story in my earlier years was so frightening for me that it's hard for me to forget it! One early evening I came home, turned on my lamp, shut my bedroom door without locking it (it could only be locked from inside). I went to lay on my bed with my window wide open. I finally dozed off only to awakened by a heavy, heavy breathing, almost like someone was gasping for air. So as I listened I found that it was coming from outside my window. Then I realized my lamp was off, I was in the pitch dark, and began running for the door, only to find that it was locked! I scrambled to get it open and knew in my mind that that I never locked the door and turned the light off!! More I panicked, finally got out and ran to my moms room.

The next day my brother whom lives on another island and my other two sisters in Honolulu reported to my mom the next morning that they experienced the same exact thing as me! Which was a heavy breathing which started outside there windows and became increasingly loud! My brother told us it got so loud at his house it woke up the neighbors in his cul de sac. It happened around the same time as my incident . We still don't know what that was but it sounded bad!

Since then my mom passed away in 1995, my oldest sister and brother in 2002 (4 months apart), and my dad passed in 2006. Before Dad died he sold the house in Aliamanu and since then it has changed owners twice.

Aloha! Thank you for letting me share.

Anonymous, HI, USA
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