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My Tom

March 2007

A little over a year ago I was at work when I received a phone call from my husband of 38 years. He had gone to a funeral that day and when I talked to him he was in a wonderful mood. He said the funeral was truly a tribute to the wonderful lady that died. He seemed to be feeling spiritual. I told him I would be home soon and we could go out to eat. An hour and a half later I received an emergency phone call from my neighbor saying that my husband had collapsed and she and another neighbor had given him CPR and they got a slight heartbeat and he was breathing. She said the ambulance was on the way to the hospital. When I got to the hospital I found out that my Tom had had an aneurysm that had burst in his brain and the doctor gave us no hope at all.

Four days later he passed away. He had never gained consciousness.
I was so heartbroken and didn't think I could live without him. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I was in bed one night and I looked over and saw my husband lying next to me. I just couldn't believe it and then he just disappeared and I tried to tell myself that it didn't really happen. Later on I said a prayer asking God to show me a sign from Tom, one that I could not mistake for something else. About three weeks later I woke up to my radio alarm. It was Saturday morning and I had forgotten to turn the alarm off the night before. I usually like to sleep in later on the weekends when I don't have to work. I was very irritated and turned over so I could get up and turn the radio off. As soon as I turned over I saw my husband sitting beside my bed. I was very frightened and closed my eyes tight. When I opened them he was still there. I closed them again and the same thing happened. Suddenly all of my fear went away and I said "Tom, I love you and miss you so much". He just faded away and I became aware of the song on the radio. It was a country song entitled "I'll Wait For You" sung by Joe Nichols. It was about a husband who lost his wife and she left him a note saying she would wait for him. The song even mentions a son that was born in 1968. Our first child, a son was born in 1968.

I believe this was the sign I asked for and I also believe that I really saw him the first time. I still miss him so much but I truly believe he is waiting for me in heaven and I will see him again.

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