Weird Nights
Anonymous, DE, USA
March 2012
I keep having the same experience over and over again. It started about 5 years ago when I was a freshman in high school.
My sister was away and I wanted to sleep with our dog so my mom made me sleep in her room with him. First, I woke up around 2 not being able to breath. It was as if someone was choking me. I remember staring at my sister's dresser trying to move but I couldn't. I sat up in bed to put my thoughts together. In the end I decided that there was no way that that really happened and it had to be a dream.
I went back to sleep but woke up again around 3 in the morning to the same feeling. This time however I was clearly awake because I could open and close my eye but my breathing was very difficult. I could feel an immense amount of pressure on my throat and it was terrifying. Again it stopped but after the second encounter I could not fall back asleep or leave my dog so I stayed up for the rest of the night. I told a couple of my friends but they all thought I was crazy, so I forgot about it and moved on.
I went a couple of months without anything interesting until one night I woke up to my bed shaking. It started out light, to the point that I thought I was imaging it but then it began to get stronger. When I sat up the shaking stopped. Again for my own piece of mind I told myself that it had to be a dream, although I had clearly been awake, and went back to bed.
About and hour or so later I woke up for no particular reason and saw a dark figure in the upper corner of my room. It didn't have much of a shape, just a black mass. This scared me to the point that I couldn't move. I kept closing my eyes hoping to fall asleep again but every time I opened them it was still there. Eventually I worked up the courage and slipped out of my room and went to my mom's room to sleep. I never told her why because I knew she would never believe me.
Since these experiences I will still wake up to the feeling of being choked. These encounters are very infrequent, about 3 or 4 times a year, but they are still very scary. I never see anything I just know that feeling of hands around my neck and staring at the wall waiting for it to stop.
I have had other experiences as well. About a year ago I was laying in bed about to fall asleep when I heard a voice not yell or whisper just speak my name. My eyes shot open, and I remember laying there thinking did I imagine that. Nothing else happened. I didn't see anything or feel anything. I just went back to sleep.
Now that I am in college I thought maybe the incidences would stop, however it has happened to me once here. Oddly it was a night when my room mate went home for the week end. This time I felt like i was being choked and the bed was shaking. I could hear voices of people from my floor in the hallway but I couldn't scream out to them. When it stopped I wanted to get out of the room so met up with people on my floor. Just some weird things that have happened to me, hope you find it interesting.