
In order to improve the chances that your story is accepted, we strongly recommend reading it over before submitting it to ensure it’s free of errors. If you’re not sure, consider running it through free software like Grammarly or Microsoft Word Editor. While you don’t have to be a professional author to get your story into the Castle of Spirits Library, we do expect all submissions to follow basic accepted grammatical rules. That includes using proper punctuation between sentences (such as periods) and proper capitalization. If your story is riddled with typos and incomplete sentences, it won’t be considered.
Make sure you can submit your story all in one piece rather than sending it in parts.
We will never share your last name or your email address. We do ask for your email, however, in case we, the Ghostkeepers at Castle of Spirits (CoS), would like to contact you for additional information or even to be interviewed. We promise that we will never give, sell, or trade your information to anyone else for any reason. Doing so would anger the spirits. You wouldn’t like the spirits when they’re angry.
Please give your story a compelling title! We’d hate for your story to get lost in the weeds with other stories titled “My Haunted House.” We may change your story title if it’s way too common. Just one of the many services we offer.
We may (very) lightly edit your story for obvious errors, but we promise not to make big changes. We want to hear the story in your voice. That’s what makes it special!
Please note that we may not publish every story submitted. Likewise, we may hold onto some stories to be published at a future date. Unfortunately, we can’t notify everyone when or if their story is published or declined.
We do not accept stories that have been previously published on other websites/videos/podcasts/etc.
For more info on submitting stories, check out our FAQ page.